Active Roster








Marriage Mentorship Silver Level
Coaching Program



For the entrepreneurial Couple who want to take
their relationship to the next level,

This is the perfect group for you. 


You receive ALL the monthly Gold member benefits (see below), AND you will receive the following Silver Member Benefits:

brett and gina looking at each other.png

  • An enhanced newsletter with specific relationships tools that will increase the ROI in the Boardroom and the Bedroom.
  • A 30 minute initial consultation call with Brett or Gina to get you started on the right foot.  
  • Silver Only Call each month focused on the needs and goals of each couple on the call. These interactive calls
    will give you time in a group setting with your peers to seek specific feedback and support for your goals.
  • Business relationship tools insert to the newsletter to help you run your business like a Marriage Worth Millions.
  • Each monthly mailer will include one Done For You Date Night box and ideas for the other 3 weeks.
  • Paid access to one 3 Day Weekend Away.  Three fun and relationship focused days to make your Marriage Worth Milions. 
  • BONUS - Silver Level Members will receive the audio program Bankruptcy Proofing Your Marriage
  • Silver Members can invest in the Rock-Solid Relationship Roadmap with an automatic 10% discount


Your membership will include the following Gold Level benefits. 


checkmark2.gif  Monthly Mentoring Call. Every month you and the other members join Brett and Gina and the other mentors for a power-packed romance-enhancing call that is designed to get you closer. No one...and I mean, no one has the knowledge Brett and Gina have or a better network of guests that we bring you every month

checkmark2.gif  A recording of the call on mp3 for download and repeat listening. Our most-successful members take it with them in the car to the office or even listen in to it during date-night.

checkmark2.gif  A recording of the call on CD for repeat listening. That way you can build your library...while you get more & better "connection" and ARE there for each other.

checkmark2.gif  Ability to ask questions at the end of the live call. Imagine the power of being in a couples coaching environment every single month. The kind of place where you can meet & know some of the best entrepreneurial minds in the country. Then imagine that you can do it all from the comfort of your very own home.

Plus, because you are applying today, you'll also receive the following 3 Bonus absolutely FREE:

checkmark2.gif  Bonus #1: The 3 Ways To Better ROI in the bedroom audio series. Every marriage needs to have a strong and rewarding sex life.  We'll throw in this bonus to show you how each of you can really heat things up.

checkmark2.gif  Bonus #2: Access to and ability to apply for Weekend Away Elite Retreat. Let me be very blunt. There is not a relationship retreat on the planet like ours. If you want to be one of the happiest couples in the world, you need to be here. Period.

checkmark2.gif  Bonus #3: A 15  30 minute phone consultation session with either Brett or Gina. 
Nothing could be better than a personal session with skilled and knowledgeable entrepreneurs who understand marriage and relationships! No other marriage success coaches have ever been so accessible to you. Ask anything you want, the time is yours.

checkmark2.gif  And a bunch of surprise bonuses and gifts reserved only for Mentoring Club members! These include extra calls, bonus audios, books, and business training opportunities to help you truly make a Marriage Worth MILLIONS!

Very seriously…we want you to be completely satisfied. Plus, we are sure that once you begin to see the results in your marriage and business, you’ll want to remain a member for life.

So, be sure to act now and process your enrollment. You can’t lose, unless you procrastinate and miss out on this program launch offer.


checkmark.gif  Yes! Brett and Gina, I want to invest in my Fortune and Family. Enroll me in the Marriage Silver Coaching Membership.  


checkmark.gifYes!Brett and Gina, I want to invest in my Fortune and Family. Enroll me in the Entrepreneurial Marriage Silver Level Coaching Group.
Since I am acting now, I will receive my first month Totally FREE. I will only pay $19.95 for shipping and handling and you will ship the
Bonus 6 day Business of Relationships Jumpstart Package IMMEDIATELY.
Once my first month is complete, I will gladly invest the low monthly coaching rate of $197.95 a month.
I understand that I can cancel at any time but will lose my access to the relationship and business
enhancing programs and our seat at the next 3 Day Weekend Away.

I authorize Fortunes and Families to charge me for the above total of just $19.95 and then $197.95 monthly.

I understand that I am joining the Silver Level Marriage Mentorship Group where

I'll receive monthly coaching calls with Brett and Gina as well as a CD and MEMBERS ONLY newsletter mailed every month.

And I'll also be receiving the login password to the Members Only Website as well.




I understand that after my 30 day trial, I will be receiving my Marriage Mentoring Club Membership
at the lowest monthly investment of $197.95 a month and that 

I can cancel at any time by contacting Brett and Gina's team at:

Fortunes and Families 
15149 W. Lacey Rd, Pocatello ID, 83202 
Phone:(208) 419-3100

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